TV/Film Reviews
Star Trek: Discovery Season 4, “Kobayashi Maru”
Discovery's season four opener is overflowing with nods to the decades of Star Trek that came before it. And with an episode title like Kobayashi Maru, we know we're in store for some serious Trek nostalgia. At the outset, the message is clear. The Federation is back, baby!
Review – The Mysterious Benedict Society
The Mysterious Benedict Society is a new Disney+ series based on the 2007-2008 YA novel (written by Trenton Lee Stewart and illustrated by Carson Ellis). The show’s basic premise is that Mr. Benedict has recruited a group of children to infiltrate The Institution (run by Mr. Curtain) to stop Curtain’s nefarious mind-control plans. The series stars Tony Hale (playing two roles, Mr. Benedict and Mr. Curtain) and also features Kristen Schaal (as Number Two), MaameYaa Boafo (as Rhonda), and Ryan Hurst (as Milligan). We’ve been watching as a family each Friday, and we’ve all enjoyed the show. As many know, it can be challenging to find a show that the…
Amazon’s Invincible Will Hook You
Amazon's Invincible borrows some of the best qualities of The Boys while mixing in delightfully fresh takes on all your favorite superhero tropes, upending the genre and producing a welcome change of pace.
The Snowpiercer Season 2 Finale Manages to Hold the Rails
Snowpiercer's season 2 finale picks right up from where the excellent episode 8 left us and kicks off a sprint to the end. It's a strong finish for this much-maligned TV drama and sets up some intriguing possibilities for a third season.
Snowpiercer Finally Delivers – Recapping The Eternal Engineer
The latest chapter of Snowpiercer brings a season-long power struggle to its conclusion. The Wilford legend proves too much for Layton and he and his allies are on the ropes. It all plays out during a surprisingly compelling episode, easily one of the TV drama's best yet.
Review – Ted Lasso
Ted Lasso is joyous. It’s a show that makes you happy—but not in a saccharine, overly sentimental way. It shows us a character who knows himself. It shows us what believing in ourselves and others can do. I’m a somewhat pessimistic person in general, and this show got me right where it counts. And it’s funny as hell, too! All of the above is in no small part due to Jason Sudeikis’s prowess as a comedic performer and personality. If Ted were in someone else’s hands, things could go off the rails quite easily. Sudeikis has confidence that shines through his performance; it’s not cocky, but it is assured—just like…
Wilford Has Cast His Spell On Snowpiercer
Mr. Wilford wants his train back. And while the people of Snowpiercer appear poised to give it to him, it's less clear how exactly he's managed to hold things together for so long on Big Alice.
The Doomed Women of Colony
Colony features some of the strongest women on TV. Problem is, survival in this world is no easy task. Season two saw the L.A. Bloc's women cut down at an alarming rate.
Why You Should be Excited for Colony
Colony returns May 2nd and it's definitely worth your attention. The show hit its stride during its second season and is heading in an exciting direction.
Review – The Orville
I want to like The Orville. There are positives. For example, I think Seth MacFarlane as Captain Ed Mercer is likable as our Every-person, our guide to this world. The relationship with his first officer, Commander Kelly Grayson (played by Adrianne Lee Palicki) is an interesting one, even if the evenness of MacFarlane’s reactions to her could be better (or more enlightened): his character alternates between making digs at her expense and saying he is over her affair. Making the main female character the ‘unfaithful’ cause of the end of their marriage might also be considered a bit tired and clichéd: one could hope for a fresh take, a more progressive…